Monday, February 18, 2013

The Fifth Day of Lent

Today I attended Kay Spruell's memorial service at Asbury UM Church. I was slightly late and sat in the very back pew. In front of me were the Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary, and several other people from my church. When the service was over, I saw more St. Francis de Sales people than strangers in the vestibule.
I wonder if Kay knew how loved she was by us Catholics--or by the Salisbury community in general? She was still one of us even though she'd left us for the Methodists. I couldn't stay for the reception, but I did turn over 28 scarves for Kay's HUGS program to Yolanda. And I had another email from a new source of scarves. I am picking up a bunch in the morning.
I don't know what I would be known for if I died right now. I don't know who would come to my funeral or who would miss me or care that I was gone (other than my family, who of course would care, and my co-workers, who would  miss me because I wouldn't be there doing my work anymore). But I do know that my church family is very important to me.
I believe that we are what church is supposed to be, regardless of what problems the larger Catholic Church is experiencing. And I don't care that some people are complaining about the role of women in the church, although I know some are. But then, I am not chafing to become a priest or to wield power in the church hierarchy. I am content to do the things I do, the RCIA, the music, the other ministries. I am content to be a member of the church, to experience the parish and the relationships and the spirituality I see there.
I think we should rename the scarf program Kay's HUGS. She was so creative, so always concerned about everyone else, so alive and living in the present. I know she struggled with some things (who doesn't?) because we talked a few times, or at least talked around them. But whatever it was in her past that troubled her, I think she atoned for it.
I will miss her. I hope she is somehow aware of this from where she now lives. And I will not write about her anymore. I said goodbye to her today. I will do my part to keep her HUGS program going, and I will recall her with fondness, glad to have been her friend.

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